Stick Handling Drills - Improve your puckhandling and stickhandling on the SuperDeker using these drills!

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#SuperDeker #hockey #office #stickhandling #puckhandling #deke #hockeylife SuperDeker at home hockey stickhandling skill development.

Puck control is critical in the game of hockey. With superior stickhandling, you control the action. As you develop and add to your stickhandling toolbox, focus on starting slowly and learning the proper technique or move you are trying to master. The SuperDeker can help with this as you alternate between Game 1, where the lights wait for you to hit them. And Game 2, where you only have 1 second to get the puck to the light.

Another way to improve your puck control, is to increase you speed of play without using the bands. This forces you to focus on making sure to cradle the puck on your forehand and your backhand as you stickhandle. Without the bands, you lose the safety net of keeping the puck on the board.

To make it more challenging, try Game 2 with no bands.

Strength also plays a role in stick handling, especially in your forearm and wrist on your top hand. Add a piece of PVC or a paper towel roll to your stick and hold the roll with your bottom hand. This will allow your lower hand to help control where the stick goes, but will force your top hand to do all the work for cradling and manipulating the puck. Do this for the whole 45 seconds and you will see how much work your top hand should be doing.

Repetition of games builds muscle memory, sharpens your skill, increases hand speed. The SuperDeker Advanced Training System is the best off-ice hockey skills system.

Click here to buy your SuperDeker

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